Tesla Deploys Dye Bombs and Cable Engravings to Combat Supercharger Vandalism and Theft

Electric vehicle giant Tesla Inc. has introduced novel measures to prevent the cutting of its supercharger cables at locations across the U.S. The company aims to reduce vandalism and theft by employing dye bombs and cable engravings.

Measures to Prevent Vandalism

  • Dye Bombs: Tesla has introduced the DyeDefender, a device that explodes and stains vandals with blue dye when they attempt to cut the cable.
  • Cable Engravings: The company will engrave “Property of Tesla” on supercharger cables from its New York factory. This will notify recycling companies not to accept these cables and to notify Tesla instead.

Why These Measures Matter

Tesla superchargers have been targeted by vandals due to the costly materials within the thick cables. The company’s efforts to prevent vandalism and theft are crucial to maintaining its services and protecting its customers.

The Importance of Effective Solutions

All of Tesla’s current vehicle offerings, including the latest Cybertruck, use cables for charging. Therefore, an effective solution for theft attempts is essential. Although Tesla’s upcoming Cybercab will use inductive charging, removing the need for charging cables, the vehicle is yet to enter production.

Future Developments

The Cybercab is expected to start production in 2026. Until then, Tesla’s measures to prevent vandalism and theft will be crucial to its operations. The company’s innovative solutions demonstrate its commitment to providing a seamless and secure charging experience for its customers.


Tesla’s introduction of dye bombs and cable engravings is a significant step towards combating supercharger vandalism and theft. As the company continues to explore new options, its efforts to protect its services and customers will remain a top priority.